Internal auditor

Ревизор (внутренний аудитор)
График: Полная занятость

Internal auditor

Крупный промышленный Холдинг в поисках Ревизора (внутренний аудит)

Key Responsibilities and Activities:

·       проведение внутреннего аудита для группы компаний Холдинга из различных отраслей;

·       составление плана аудита на основе риск-ориентированного подхода;

·       своевременная подготовка отчетности по результатам проверок;

·       составление и контроль исполнения плана мероприятий по устранению нарушений.


·       высшее образование в области бухгалтерского учета, финансов, управления рисками или в другой соответствующей области;

·       опыт работы в качестве внешнего/внутреннего аудитора — 4-6 лет.

·       дополнительное юридическое или техническое образование, как преимущество;

·       отличное знание законодательных актов в сфере бухгалтерского и налогового учета;

·       знание гражданского, трудового и корпоративного законодательства;

·       способность к работе в режиме многозадачности;

·       хорошие аналитические навыки;

·       готовность к командировкам.


·       работа в одном из крупных промышленных холдингов;

·       возможность карьерного роста;

·       трудоустройство согласно ТК РФ.

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CASE 1. Company registration

A young couple came to Dubai for a vacation. The young people were impressed by the region and the warm welcome that they decided to extend their stay.
The hotels where they lived were repeatedly rebooked. It later emerged that they did not take into consideration that there were deadlines…

Registration of the company
The client was interested in starting a company, but was unable to decide on the registration form. He telephoned about ten companies, and received contradictory information. None of the recommendations matched the current UAE legislation.

CASE 2. Opening a bank account of a legal entity

The entrepreneur enlisted the services of an unscrupulous law firm, which offered to register a company in Dubai within a month and open a settlement account. Within two weeks, the lawyers prepared the documents, which then began the registration process. Finally…

Proposed solution:

A set of legal documents were prepared, a series of consultations related to the specifics of the region were held on the specifics of the region. As a result, the registration of a Russian company in Dubai was successfully. A valid current account has been opened.

List of all services

CASE 3. Extension of stay in the UAE

A young couple came to Dubai for a vacation. The young people were impressed by the region and the warm welcome that they decided to extend their stay. The hotels where they lived were repeatedly rebooked. It later emerged that they did not take into consideration that there were deadlines…

Proposed solution:

Russian tourists were offered several ways to extend a guest visa to the United Arab Emirates.